Spectralayers Pro

Audio editing
SpectraLayers Pro offers a unique layers concept for working with audio data which offers brand new options for audio editing, mixing and sound design.
Layers Panel
Keep your project in view at all times with the layers panel.
1 Color-coded layers
In SpectraLayers Pro, every layer’s spectral graph is tagged with its own unique color. Colors can be changed instantly at any time.
2 Group layers
Create mixed down virtual groups from different layers. Groups can be separated by color, muted or played back solo.
3 Drag to re-order
Layers can now be dragged into any order you like.
4 Floating panels
The Layers, Channels, and History panels can now be anchored in the SpectraLayers Pro workspace, or they can float over the workspace or on a secondary monitor.

Revolutionary audio editing: SpectraLayers Pro 4. The latest update is impressive with optimized workflows and improved performance as a standalone version as well as in cooperation with other programs such as Sound Forge Pro and AVID Pro Tools®.
SpectraLayers Pro offers a unique layers concept for working with audio data which offers brand new options for audio editing, mixing and sound design. With options such as spectral compositing, it establishes an entirely new paradigm for creative music and audio design.
Seamless multi-project management
Now you can work on multiple projects simultaneously in new tabs and switch easily between them. Files can be exchanged and applied between different projects.
Grouping Layers

Grouping layers
Add various levels to virtual groups in the mix. You can separate these by color from the rest and subdivide even more if you want. Groups can be easily adjusted, muted and played back solo.

Faster selection: “Lock to Frequency”
“Lock to Frequency” offers extensive support for when you need to select individual frequency spectra. The algorithm sets the areas you have selected automatically! “Lock to Frequency” simplifies the editing process hugely, since you can edit just the preselected frequencies in the full spectrum.